Your Destination Marriage Proposal in Italy

The time has come, you understood that the person with whom you are lucky to share the daily life is the right one and you decided to make the important step!

Of course, you want everithing to go in the right way and with the perfect amosphere, but you have no ideas or you don’t know where to start and how to develop them, do not worry, Camilla will think about it!

The Proposal Planner will take care about organizing and setting up your marriage proposal, you’ll just have to talk about you and your partner, tell her how you would like everything to happen and she will plan and design everything: from the choice of venue (that could be a beach by the lake, an intimate and romantic restaurant or an evocative wood, for example), to the setting up, developing the perfect atmosphere with the right musical background!

Write to Camilla and explain her what there is in your mind, she will introduce you the right package that fits to your needs: [email protected]